A young Muslim woman's vacation to New York City devolves into a nightmare.


This Teacher follows a French Muslim woman (Hafsia Herzi) as she travels to New York City from the rough neighborhoods outside of Paris to visit her childhood best friend. When the reunion proves disastrous, Hafsia steals her friend's credit card and identity, then disappears to a remote cabin upstate. Deep in the woods and alone for the first time in her life, she experiences a divine revelation of an existence without borders. But when she discovers that she is not alone on the property, Hafsia's sojourn in nature gradually descends into a terrifying study of the intolerance and suspicion she encounters and reflects back to an Islamophobic America.


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Director - Mark Jackson

Hafsia - Hafsia Herzi

Zahra - Sarah Kazemy

Rose - Lucy Walters

Darren - Kevin Kane
